Algorand NFTs Overview

    Let's get a better understanding of the Algorand NFT scene! How many total, non-closed NFTs are on the algorand network? How many NFTs use the ARC3 vs ARC69 standard? Additionally, show the minting of the NFTs with these standards over time. Finally, show the daily total volume of total NFT sales, ARC3 NFT sales and ARC69 NFT sales over time (Tip: Here is an example of an NFT sale tx_group_id: lLa5DLImBy1PrQEWvcHR9HRZnpS/QPVQFvQPTaMvt74= ) Tip: For NFTs configured to the arc69 stanard, look at asset_configuration transactions such as 6Z5R47GSIMQC4JDCTRAPLPC5BTNCC5K5DJ2QKSACW4KV5RZFZDQQ and decode the note using try_base64_decode_string(tx_message:txn:note::string).